Friday, February 16, 2007

Principles of Leadership

Yesterday I attended a seminar at work during my lunch hour. The speaker, Doug Wood, spoke on the priciples of effective leadership. I took several pages of notes, so I figured I would share a few of them with you. Here are what Mr. Wood considers to be the "10 Principles of Leadership."

  1. Be a leader, not a victim

  2. Beware of your blindspots (know what you don't know)

  3. Take care of the important relationships

  4. Balance short-term and long-term needs

  5. Know and live your mission (write it down)

  6. Do what matters most, now

  7. Be a master communicator

  8. Be a great team player

  9. Commit 1 hour a day to personal renewal

  10. Live with integrity


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