Monday, March 05, 2007


Last week I took the local Varsity Scout team out to take some pictures of llamas. I was teaching the photography merit badge and I wanted them to have an opportunity to develop a role of black and white film. While there, I took a few pictures of these horses that were in the same area.

Horses have always kind of spooked me. In fact, I recall a time when I was hiking outside Superior, MT, and a couple in our party had some horses. They let me ride one down a canyon during a hike to an outlying fishing spot. I remember being so freaked out. I couldn't see the trail. I was ready to jump ship, anticipating the horse falling down the ravine. I'm sure I was freaking out the horse as much as he was freaking me out. We made it to the bottom of the canyon, but I hiked back out.

So, although there is nothing special about these photos, shooting horses at close range with my 20mm lens exhilarates me.



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