Saturday, November 29, 2008

Canon 5d Mark II - Sample Video 2

What Remains from Rhett Olson on Vimeo.

View the higher resolution post here.

Over the weekend my brother and I worked on this little video. He does a lot of editing in Final Cut and I'm try to learn some from him. We shot this in about an hour with a Canon 5d Mark II. (The editing took a little longer) Enjoy!

Friday, November 28, 2008

More Canon 5d Mark II Sample Video

Canon 5d Mark II Sample - Overlooking Salt Lake City from Rhett Olson on Vimeo.

I know nothing about video, yet. So here's a go at posting something in HD. Still not impressed with the size. Need to get some help on exporting from Final Cut.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Canon 5d Mark II - Sample Portrait

Here is a portrait I shot yesterday with my new Canon 5d Mark II. (1/320sec at f/4, ISO 100 with 20mm f/2.8)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Canon 5d Mark II - Sample Video

Seeing as last night I saw a 30x growth in traffic because I've my 5d Mark II post, I figured I'd post a few samples. Here is a video I shot of Zoe. It was overcast this morning and the wind was blowing pretty good so I took out the sound. The video was shot on the smaller of the two video settings. I'm still trying to figure out the video settings. For instance, I'm not sure how the focus really works.

The compression on Youtube doesn't really do it justice. I'm going to have to play a bit more and post it on Vimeo or something.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Unboxing of Canon EOS 5d Mark II

My new Canon 5d Mark II finally arrived. I'm so excited. This new camera gives me 21 megapixel images, full frame censor, ISO expansion, and HD video. Can't wait to start playing. However, seeing as the camera just hit the market, I figured I'd share the unboxing with all who haven't been able to get their hands on one.

I'll be posting images and video from the new camera later tonight.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Holga Gallery Show

Last night Julie and I attended the Holga Show at with a bunch of friends. I had 3 pieces hanging in the gallery (a first for me) and it was fun to go see my art on the wall with a bunch of people around looking at it. Here are a couple of quick pics from the event.

Friends at the show.  Brian Nicholson, Jason Olson, Peter Chudleigh, Myself, and Keith Johnson.

Naval Museum, Norfolk, Virginia

I spent the last week traveling for work, meeting with a few of the remote development groups I work with. One of the stops took me to Norfolk, VA. Norfolk has a huge presence and, according to our cab driver, is home to the largest US Naval base. During lunch the first day, a coworker and I took a walk a few blocks from the office to make a quick visit to the Naval Museum. I had heard you can walk out on the Battleship Wisconsin. Unfortunately, they had just closed the ship off to visitors due to high winds, so I wasn't able to board. Here are a few pics I took from the ground outside.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Australian Knob-tailed Gecko

Tonight I spent a few hours photographing a slew of geckos for some friends of mine who are starting an online store. You can check it out here. There were fat-tailed geckos, albino geckos, super albino geckos; we shot a ton. This was one of the cooler guys. He's an Austrailian Knob-tailed gecko.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Fitness Shoot

A friend of mine, Ryan, invited me to join him at his studio yesterday for a photo shoot. He is working on a series of fitness images. I really enjoyed being in the studio and wish I had more space to play with studio lighting. Besides helping to get the shoot set up, Ryan let me jump in for a few shots. (Thanks again Ryan) Here are a couple of the images I was able to produce.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Tribute To Our New President

Just swallow it down with a spoon full of humor.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

It's become tradition at the Olson house to set up a Halloween backdrop each year and take portraits for all the neighborhood witches and goblins. Here is the first page of the contact sheet from the shoot.